Danish House Society presents –

SOLD OUT – Christmas Kroaften

RESERVATION ONLY – Only 120 tickets sold!

Date: Friday, November 29, 2024
Time: Bar opens 6 pm.  Dinner is served at 7pm
Cost:  $35 per person
Contact: Else Rollke  604-620-1632 or email danishhousesociety@gmail.com

 Do not call the Centre Office – They are not selling any tickets!

Reservations and payment required

Menu:  Kro Platte includes warm chicken and asparagus tartlets, fisk filet, herring (curry sauce), shrimp, frikadeller, roast beef and cheese, served with Danish Rye bread and French bread.  Dessert:  Ris almond with cherry sauce

Meet 6’ish to get your table number and enjoy a drink. Kro Platte is served at 7 pm.

Enjoy a traditional Danish Christmas Kro Platte, dessert, coffee and tea!  Wash it down with Snaps and Carlsberg!