Welcome to the Scandinavian Community Centre

Welcome to the Scandinavian Community Centre


Got sisu? It’s Finn for the whole family

Welcome, one and all, to The Finland House Society (FHS)! We are a family oriented, charitable society focused on facilitating, coordinating and promoting a wide range of Finnish athletic, cultural, academic, festive and seasonal events, classes and activities. Please see www.finlandvancouver.com.

FHS is always accepting new members, regardless of roots, and looks forward to sharing many fun and exciting events with you throughout the year!

Annual Membership Fees

Individual: $15
Family: $25
Senior: $10
Organization/Groups: $100

Vancouver Finlandia Club

In 1971, VFC formed as a non-profit, non-religious and non-political club to inte­grate and enlighten BC’s Finns, to improve its mem­bers’ well-being, to make Finland’s cul­ture known to Cana­di­ans and vice versa. VFC spon­sors children’s and adults’ folk danc­ing, ath­letic events and lan­guage lessons, grants schol­ar­ships, and holds numer­ous social events through­out the year.


Inquiries VFClubMembers@gmail.com

Vancouver Finlandia Club Library needs help!

Our library is brimming with new books. However, right now there are so many good books out there, it’s more than our budget can handle.

If you would like to support the library, please consider a donation!

Please send your donation payable to Finland House Society, marked for VFC Library

Please include your name and address, as donations $25 and over are eligible for a tax receipt.

You can send your donation to Finland House Society, c/o Scandinavian Centre, 6540, Thomas Street, V5B 4P9

Or, for an immediate tax receipt,

  1. please go to https://www.canadahelps.org/en/charities/finland-house-society/
  2. Choose Vancouver Finlandia Club General Fund
  3. Add a message: For VFC Library




Finnish Passport Information

Finnish News


Facility Rentals

We Have the Space For You!

Looking for a space for your Wedding, Office Party, Workshop or Special Event? Check out our Hall and Fireside Lounge both supported by an industrial kitchen! MORE INFO


Scandinavian Community Centre2 weeks ago
Scandinavian Craft Fair tomorrow! -



Finnish Canadian Rest Home Association

The Finnish Canadian Rest Home Association is currently accepting applications for its seniors’ rental housing units in Vancouver. Please direct all inquiries to :
Finnish Home
2288 Harrison Drive
Vancouver, B.C. V5P 2P6