If you have vol­un­teered at the Cen­tre dur­ing the past year, your house will invite you to come and join the Vol­un­teer Appre­ci­a­tion Lun­cheon, host­ed by the Five Hous­es.

Cater­ing by Tina Praegel. MC Nor­man Eyford.

Date: Sun­day, Jan­u­ary 26, 2020
Time: 12:30pm, lunch and pro­gram at 1pm
Loca­tion: Scan­di­na­vian Com­mu­ni­ty Cen­tre
Con­tact: Please RSVP by Jan­u­ary 22nd to:

Dan­ish House Soci­ety: Inge Lyth 604–524-3004 or Ed Kuhlman

Fin­land House Soci­ety: Petra Kaksonen  604-616-6382

Ice­land House Soci­ety: Nor­man Eyford

Nor­we­gian House Soci­ety: David Moul­ton

Swe­den House Soci­ety: Rebec­ca Keck­man