Date: Sunday October 14, 2018
Time: 9am to 1pm
Location: Scandinavian Community Centre main kitchen
Cost: The cost will be $25 which covers the cost of the ingredients. Please send in your fee to through PayPal, or send a cheque to the Icelandic Club of BC, Scandinavian Centre, 6540 Thomas Street, Burnaby, BC, V5B 4P9. There is no return of your fee on cancellation within two days prior (October 12)
Plan: A one-day class to teach you how to make complete vinarterta: the prune filling, the ‘cookie’ rounds and how to bake them, put it all together, and you will take the vinarterta home.
Contact: Margaret Bjarnason Amirault email: (preferred) or telephone 604-688-9082.
We will follow the old recipe from the 1800s. We hope to provide one teacher per two students.
Coffee, or course, will be in abundance