Nordic Baking is run by the Scandinavian Community Centre in Burnaby, BC. Everything is baked by a professional baker in the Scandinavian Centre commercial kitchen.
All orders need to be placed and paid for by 6pm Tuesday, January 18. Due to large demand and only one person working, there is limited supply available. This is also why we are now offering the freshly frozen option.
To order:
1. Fill out the form
2. You will receive a confirmation email within 24 hours.
3. Invoices will be sent out between Jan 6 to Jan 17.
3. Pay your invoice within 24 hours.
Pick up will be on Sunday, January 23, 2022 between 1-2pm at the Scandinavian Community Centre, 6540 Thomas Street, Burnaby. You will receive your 15 min time slot for pick up three days before hand.
Email if you have any questions or requests!