Danish Fireside BannerDate: Friday, Decem­ber 13, 2019
Time: 6:30pm

Join us for some tra­di­tional Dan­ish Christ­mas “hygge!” Enter­tain­ment by St Lucia Girls, Pro­ces­sion of Lights, Light­ing of the Advent Wreath, Visit from Dan­ish “Nisse-Folk”, Arrival of Jule­man­den, Fam­ily sing-a-long.
Gløgg , Æbleskiver and pastry.

Cost: Admit one Adult $10.00. Chil­dren under 12 are free. Reser­va­tions with pay­ment, please! Admission by Reservation only!
Con­tact: Dan­ish House Ebba Grey 604–990-3550 or e-mail ebba@shaw.ca

Pre­sented by Dan­ish Cana­dian Com­mu­nity Cen­tre of BC and Dan­ish House Society